Algarve Kite Center

Kitesurf Lagos165197 лет8 размер761459 см128967 кг.

О себе

In our kite center Lagos you can learn to ride a kite in a very short time, our goal is safety and fast training according to the methodology itself that has been formed over the years. Special kite courses for young people, nice courses for older students, as well as courses for active and advanced the event that you came with your own equipment to ride on your own, we will gladly explain to you all the nuances and subtleties of the kite spot. If you are not sure that you can ride on your own, we will help you with that too, for example, watching or a small lesson with an instructor will help you look more confidently on tomorrow. Kitesurf Lagos


Стоимость: 53072 руб./час

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