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О себе

Another of Acapulco’ s fashionable, recent arrivals, Becco al Mare is an Italian restaurant with a minimalist white interior and floor- to- ceiling glass windows. Like Zibu and many of Acapulco’ s more upmarket restaurants, it’ s set back off the Avenida Escenica, which follows the coast out of town; to make the most of the views, look for a seat on the terrace. On their expansive menu, you’ ll find exquisite seafood dishes like grilled lobster with rosemary butter, fresh pasta with mussels and saffron, and risotto with melted taleggio cheese. Becco al Mare also boasts one of Acapulco’ s most comprehensive wine cellars, stocked with over 4, 000 bottles. Telephone: 52- 744- 446- 7402 Web: Becco al Mare.


Стоимость: 5552 руб./час

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